Beloved Coaching Manifesto

As a part of my studies in somatic sex education and sexological bodywork I was asked to create a manifesto. A public declaration of what guides me in doing this work. As I grow as a practitioner, my “why” may change, but as of Summer 2022, this is where my heart is with regard to the work I do in the world.

Thank you for seeing me.


I do this work to help us (re)claim that our bodies are holy, our erotic nature is our connection to the divine, and our choice in how to celebrate that miracle is one of the truest gifts of being born in a human body. Seeking pleasure and celebrating desire in the ways that feel most delicious is vital.

Breathing in; The spirit is willing.

Breathing out; The flesh is also willing.

I do this work because the church taught me that my body is not my own, that my erotic nature is to be suppressed at all costs, and that I was separated from divinity by the consequence of being born in a human body. Naming that trauma and inviting space to metabolize the resulting deep grief is necessary.

Breathing in; This is my body.

Breathing out; All aspects of my being are welcome.

I do this work because I know that those of us who grew up ingesting these doctrines - that created a split between our spirits and our flesh - can mend our parts back together with tender care, permission, and witnessing. Allowing shame and desire to be seen in compassionate witness is healing.

Breathing in; My erotic nature is cherished.

Breathing out; I have a divine right to pleasure.

The heart of my practice is creating spaces where I can offer the possibility that anything and everything can be connective, sacred, pleasurable, or erotic. And that each person has agency in the ways they want to engage in those experiences.

In my practice, all of you is welcome, at the pace that is just right for your head, and your heart, and your body.

With your breath, as it is in this moment… and as it is inspired to change; you can welcome the ways of pleasure, exercise your voice of consent, and reclaim your right to inhabit the glorious and juicy depth of your body.


As your own.


One Year of Grief


How Beloved Coaching Was Named